2.) Lack of supplies of the water in some parts in Metro Manila and some provinces in the Philippines we should need the water for the using the cleaning and laundry and even for drinking if we will feel a thrist
3.) Cutting the trees and it's called an illegal logging in the parts of the provinces in Luzon
4.) Air Pollutions because here in the Philippines is the dirtiest of the air in all the world
5.)To disposable the wet and dry the garbage and even for the recycling for the some materials that we will reused it
6.) for the some factories to removed their locations not to infront the residential areas and in the side of their rivers that cause a water polluted out there and should to relocated it in the some areas away from the residentials areas that's a reasons that many children and adult that they might sick like Respiratory Problems and skin diseases and even the some squartters areas with living in the side of river should relocated the some families in the some areas out there
7.) Having loitering and having a smoking in the public places and even the public utility vehicle and we should that local government unit to approved it about this rules and having fines or end up to the prison
8.) Noise Pollution
9.) For the using the urinal in the wall not to using the Urinal Stand we should to using the urinal stand and I think to having a fine or end up to prison
10.) Having a flooded in the some areas in Metro Manila and the some provinces in the Philippines we should to fixed it the drainages and some rivers it causes a lots of garbages we should to cleaned it and maintained the rivers and reconstructed the rivers to having a flowing the water out there...

hope there's a solution in each problem..